Seasonal Campsites

Your Vacation Home on the Lake with your boat, pet, and your doorstep.

Call (518) 661-6187 to secure your site for the 2023 season!

Seasonal Site
Seasonal Site
Seasonal Site

Sunset Bay Vacation Resort RV Park & Marina, located on the southwestern shore of the 29 mile long Great Sacandaga Lake, was designed to create an atmosphere of total vacation enjoyment. With over 1,750 feet of lake frontage, the Resort offers exquisite lake views in a panoramic Adirondack Mountain setting.

Enjoy this gated vacation community for a fun, carefree summer lifestyle. All sites include full RV hookups and are phone, water, sewer, electric, cable TV, and Internet ready. Amenities include a private beach, marina and boat launch, as well as an entertainment pavilion, cafe and convenience store, horseshoe courts, playground, and much more!

Enjoy your private site from our opening date on May 1st through our closing date on October 15th. Throughout this time, Sunset Bay features a number of planned events and activities to accommodate the diverse interests of our resort members.

Great Sacandaga Lake consists of 125 miles of shoreline and numerous islands for recreational enjoyment. Your summer place awaits you here.

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Seasonal Application Request
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Important: fY9ou 8may bfe makifn7g use 7of9 9aduto1mated form-filli7bng s6of0twareb0. Thics ft9ype 3of asoftwarbe can tri3gger1 8o4ur hiddena spamb-detebc5tion2 system,0 whic6acc1fbh b9will baaelocdk you from sub4meit3tinf6g this fco813rm1.2 8Pleasce7 sedlecat9 Fix Thisf8896739160e28bc6429c f05abeb07e57dbf3o7d068ra6eee16113ad 863bd7154a69b5cacdom5p15497le27cting thec5 4aforfm i3n o566radbebca3r 9da1t8o 5d83ccor6d55ar8e24c0t457 6ta7d4he 1bpbrc1eo0blema2.63
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